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December 06, 2021 2 min read

Very Soft Polymer Clay Ruining Your Projects? Here Is The Right Way To Harden It.

Polymer clay arts are the latest trend, thanks to their versatility. Oytra Polymer Oven Bake Clay known as Oytra Polymer Clay, you can make many beautiful designs. There are several ways to use it, and each one is enjoyable. However, there are a few ways people accidentally ruin polymer clay by changing its consistency. Polymer clay that does not have the ideal texture can not produce pretty designs. This article tells you the correct way to fix polymer clay that is too soft.

What Is Wrong With Soft Polymer?

Polymer or any other material has to be hard enough to hold its shape. Soft polymer is easy to sculpt, but it does not stay firm. Sometimes, the soft polymer also becomes sticky, making it hard to shape. Such clay also clogs tiny gaps and holes, making it incredibly hard to clean. It is more likely to stain surfaces and make the result look like a low-quality product.

Why Does Polymer Clay Become Soft?

Polymer clay softens as you work with it, due to which your soft clay might be a result of you overworking it.

How Do You Leech Soft Polymer?

Before learning about the steps to harden polymer, let us see the materials needed for this process.

What Will You Need?

  • Polymer Clay
  • Around 8-10 sheets of paper
  • Rolling pin or pasta machine
  • Some moderately heavy books

If you have all these materials, begin with the leaching process. 

Step 1: First, take your polymer clay and place it onto some sheets of paper. If you have taken ten sheets, make a bunch of 5 of them and use them.

 How to soften polymer clay

Step 2:Place the other bunch of sheets on it and use a rolling pin to thin it out. If you find this method uncomfortable, use the pasta machine to thin out your clay.


 Step 3:Once your clay is all thinned out, place them between the papers. If you have used a rolling pin, your clay is already between the sheets.


 Step 4:Keep some heavy books on top of the papers. However, do not place too many weights on it.



Step 5:Keep it like that for a few hours or overnight, and remove it. You can check on the clay from time to time to ensure that it is hardening.



After removing the books and the paper, the clay will be hard enough to sculpt. You will see a patch of oil on the sheet where you kept the clay.

The Last Word.

In brief, all you have to do is remove the excess oil from the polymer to harden it. If it becomes too dry, add a few drops of liquid clay. The best part about polymer clay is that you can mold it to your liking and manipulate its consistency. So if your polymer is too soft, press it between some papers.

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